How to Make a SEO friendly website? 10 tips to make your websites more SEO-friendly?

SEO Tricks for making SEO friendly website:

1.URL optimization:

URL modifying is method where you can improve URL for SEO, in straightforward words you making your URL clean for SEO. By Using URL changing you can used to give shorter and more relevant looking links to site pages.

Best practices: For SEO purpose your URL should include you title or keyword.

2.Meta Description & Keywords Tag:

  • Meta Keywords Attribute – A series of keywords that relevant to the site-page (you could ignore this tag as not significant by any web crawler).
  • Meta Description Attribute – A brief description of the web-page, keywords should be included.
  • Meta Robots Attribute – A suggestion to search engine bots to what they should do with the page. Whether to crawl the site-pages or not.

Meta Keywords Attribute – Meta keywords are now days no longer uses by approximately every search engine including Google, because in old days some developers put in keywords totally unrelated to their pages into their code for making traffic on their website irrelevant content to those keywords. By using this series of comma (,) separated keywords that called Keyword Stuffing. This is good but in a wall manner if used.

Meta Description Attribute – Meta description tag is so helpful tag it tells search engine bots to what is about this web-page, and search engine uses this description to within search engine result pages.

Even Google will not always use this description in search engine result pages, but it also uses content of pages some time based on inquiry searches by user.

 Note: Meta descriptions should be 155- 165 characters.

Meta Robot Attribute – by using Meta robot tag you instructing search engine to what to do with this web-page and what you don’t.

  • index/noindex – This inform the search engines whether to show your page in search results or not.
  • follow/nofollow – This inform the engines what to do with links on your pages: whether they should trust and “follow” your links to the next page or not.

3. Use Title Tag:

Title tag is part of the meta tags that come into view at the top of your HTML inside the < head> area. This is define in  simple words that what the  web-page is about, this is  also uses by search engine as heading of any results in search engine result page. The title tag should include important keywords to help the search engine make a decision what the page is about. A title tag is a kind of signal in your page. It tells the search engines what your page is about. It is still important to your SEO strategy. So here I’m going to explain with example.


Sample code
 <title>Fave Article</title>
Note: always remember that write you title tag as human point of view not for search engine purpose, because that makes your web-page related to you content.


Standard format:

Primary Keyword – Secondary Keyword | Brand Name


Primary Keyword, Secondary Keyword – Brand Name

(***You can use comma if your two keywords making one phrase or sentence)

Format for service or articles:

Service Name – Service keyword or Phrase | Brand Name


Service Name | Service keyword or Phrase – Brand Name

Format for ecommerce products:

Product Name – Product Category | Brand Name


Product Name | Product Category – Brand Name

Why title tag is important:

Title tags are used in three key places that show information to user about your web-page:

  1. SERP – in search engine result page your title is decide factor how the web-page look like to in SERP to user.
  2. Web browser – in web browser your title is visible at top of the browser tab, it something like hold you on webpage’s.
  3. Social media – when you sharing your article on social media, the social media can get your title tag to show like social snippet. the following example is snippet from facebook, this is one of our article.

Title Tag Checklist:

When you’re writing your title tag what do you have to know something about title tag? There are some tips on how to write title tags:

  • Length: Title tags should be a maximum of 75 characters long, with spaces.
  • Keyword position: Your most important keywords require being first in your title tag, with your least main words being last in the title tag (most to least).

 4. Use Header (H1, H2, H3…) Tags in Body:

Using heading system is very important notation for reading purpose because it gives the wall manner document to explain to any content. By using heading tag <h1> tag is highest size or important tag for any web-page.

NOTE: – Each web-page should contain only one <h1> tag and for other sub-heading purpose use from <h2> to <h6>. Defined Heading Tags are:

Example code
<h1>Favorite Article </h1>
 <h2> some text here </h2>
 <h3> some text here </h3>
 <h4> some text here </h4>
 <h5> some text here </h5>
 <h6> some text here </h6>

5. Use Anchor Text in Link:

Anchor Text is the visible, clickable text with link. it is often blue and underlined.

Or in simple words Anchor text is able to be seen text, words and phrase that is connected to hyperlink of any location that address to other web pages or website.

6. Use alt attribute in image Tag:

It is good to use your title or product name in your image tag in alt attribute, because it provide a correct information about your image to search engine bots. it’s a good method to use in SEO purpose.


Example Code:

<img alt='title' src='image.jpg' >

7. Use Canonical link tag:

A canonical link tag is an HTML element that helps webmasters to prevent duplicate content issues by specifying the ”canonical” or ”preferred” version of a webpage as part of search engine optimization.

8. Body Content Structure & Length:

You know all that content is a king of  SEO, so you have to write your content with uniqueness .  if you are making SEO friendly content so that should be 1000 words and more. As SEO Expert I would suggest you to use your content between 1000 to 2000 words. While you are writing content you have to make sure to use that what is the right font, font size & font style.  Always bolt the important words

9. Keyword Stuffing:

Keyword stuffing is one of the best SEO strategy where you can use lots of keywords in web-page content or website or Meta tags for get more traffic or manipulating search results. This technique may affect you ranking if it uses more than Google guidelines’, because this is to consider as indexing spam.

10. AMP Page:

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is open source project to provide fast content or to trim down the load time of web page for mobile or tablet devices, allows websites to make light-weight web-pages.

In present days and upcoming days Google is upgrading SERP for news, articles, recipes related content and this is the only one SEO tricks that only work for mobile search engine results. AMP Html pages are simple to create.

In this blog we discussed about most important techniques and trick of search engine optimization. For more in-deep discussion keep visiting

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